Tag: Donald Trump

  • Transition to U.S. Treasury Certificates: Deciphering the Path Toward “Ending the Fed”

    Transition to U.S. Treasury Certificates: Deciphering the Path Toward “Ending the Fed”

    The financial landscape of the United States is on the brink of a monumental shift with the proposed transition to U.S. Treasury Certificates, a move furthered by historical and recent executive orders aimed at restructuring the nation’s financial system. Understanding this transition involves revisiting Executive Order 11110 and examining the implications of Executive Order 13772.…

  • The Economist Speaks With US President Donald Trump About His Economic Policy And More

    TRUMPONOMICS: “It really has to do with self-respect as a Nation” LONDON, May 11, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — US President Donald Trump, along with Steve Mnuchin, the treasury secretary and Gary Cohn, the director of the National Economic Council, sat down with editors from The Economist on May 4th 2017 to discuss the Trump administration’s economic policy.…

  • Tomahawk cruise missiles and the price of gold

    Q: Are the 59 Tomahawk cruse missiles good for the price of gold? A: Yes, for an Intraday spike that was erased by the end of the day trading. Q: How about silver? A: Silver tanked to under 18 to close significantly down on an outside reversal to the downside, Q: Trump has lost some…

  • New World Order off the Rail

    Q: Is the New World Order off the rail and what does it mean for the gold price? A: The New World Order failed to Kill the Bear. The Russian leadership has made an alliance with China. The neocons have failed. Their dream is dust. Q: How does the Trump victory play into this? A:…

  • Anti-FATCA lawyer rejects Europe threat to US taxpayers

    Sanctions unlikely, lobbyist says The leading advocate for repeal of the U.S. Foreign Accounts Tax Compliance Act has called “laughable” any attempt to sanction Washington – should it rescind FATCA – for noncompliance with copycat European tax laws. Washington-based anti-FATCA tax-lawyer and lobbyist James Jatras said European efforts to pinpoint U.S. taxpayers through the Organization…

  • Gold Shares vs the DJIA

    Q: What does Marc Faber and Jim Rogers expect for the price of gold shares VS the DJIA? A: They both think that a sever correction to the downside is eminent. Q: No. I follow Martin Armstrong’s analysis. A: Armstrong is tracking international capital flows and they are positive for the USD. A large part…

  • Visualizing Gold’s Value And Rarity

    Since Ancient times, Visual Capitalist’s Jeff Desjardins explains, gold has served a very unique function in society. Gold is extremely rare, impossible to create out of “thin air”, easily identifiable, malleable, and it does not tarnish. By nature of these properties, gold has been highly valued throughout history for every tiny ounce of weight. That’s…

  • Trump revolution and pre-war Germany

    What understanding and use of economic law made it possible for Germany to advance from economic bankruptcy and 25% unemployment in 1933 to conquest of most of Europe and North Africa? What application does the answer have to today’s world. To the Trump revolution, the price of gold and the future of stocks and bonds?…

  • The US Economy is Rolling Over

    [box type=”alert”]Yet another “unmassaged” data point has shown that the US economy is rolling over.[/box] If you’ve been reading me for a while you know that one of my biggest pet peeves is the fact that headline US economic data (GDP growth, unemployment, inflation, etc.)  is massaged to the point of being fiction. For this…