
The Boundless Dance of Pesos and Dollars

A Tale of Mexico-US Offshore Investment

No one can deny the ballet of dollars and pesos. Like two dancers locked in an intricate routine, they ebb and flow across the border between the United States and Mexico. An old dance, yes. But one that has changed and grown over the years, reshaping the economic landscape of both nations. Mexico-US dance on!

Offshore investments between the countries is not a new dance. The dance floor was laid down years ago, in the aftermath of World War II. American investors, flush with post-war prosperity, looked south towards Mexico, seeing a land rich with opportunity. The money flowed like a river into agriculture, manufacturing, and oil. And Mexico, its arms wide open, welcomed the capital, using it to fuel a period of growth that saw its economy skyrocket.

The remittance from the United States to Mexico is another well-rehearsed routine. Migrant workers sending their hard-earned dollars back home, each transfer a testament to their sweat and sacrifice. It’s a lifeline, vital for the families back in Mexico. The World Bank estimates that remittances to Mexico stood at an all-time high of nearly $41 billion in 2020.

Yet, it’s not all about the underdog, the working man. The dance floor is shared by another set of dancers – the offshore investors, extravagant in their spending, adventurous in their pursuits. In Mexico, Carlos Slim Helu, the telecom tycoon, routinely flexes his financial muscle, injecting capital into various U.S. ventures. Across the border, Warren Buffett, through his company Berkshire Hathaway, has stakes in various Mexican enterprises.

Yet, the dance is not without its stumbles. Controversy and criticism often follow the flow of money. Accusations of tax evasion, money laundering and inequality rear their heads, threatening to disrupt the rhythm.

But still, the dance continues. The money, like the dancers, is relentless. It’s a performance, a spectacle, with each side showing off their prowess and resilience. It’s a show of mutual reliance and co-dependency, an economic tango that refuses to end. The Mexico-US dance that has become a central theme in the long, intertwined history of these two nations.


The Dance of Bricks and Mortar

The show must go on, they say, and so it does. As the curtain rises on the second act, we’re presented with a new dance floor – the dynamic world of cross-border real estate.

American investors have long held a fascination with Mexico’s sun-drenched landscapes. They’ve spun their dollars into Mexican bricks and mortar, creating havens of luxury on the sandy beaches of Cancun and the historic streets of San Miguel de Allende.

However, it’s not just vacation homes dotting the coastline. There’s a growing trend of American expats, lured by the promise of a cost-effective retirement under the Mexican sun. Over a million Americans call Mexico home, a number that continues to swell each year, adding a new layer to this complex routine.

Mexican investors have been no less active. From the sun-baked deserts of Arizona to the glitzy high-rises of Miami, Mexican capital has found a home. They’ve built, bought, and invested, spurred by both economic prospects and a desire for geographical diversification. Mexican tycoons like Carlos Hank Rhon and his real estate empire in the U.S. underscore this trend.

The expats too, dance to the same tune. Thousands of Mexican nationals have crossed the border, establishing roots and contributing to the U.S. economy. Their reasons are many – better opportunities, a safer environment, a chance to provide their children with a brighter future.

However, every dance is marked by its missteps. The increased demand has often led to skyrocketing property prices, pushing affordable housing out of reach for many locals. Furthermore, the complex legalities of owning property abroad can sometimes trap unwary investors in a bureaucratic dance-off.

Despite the challenges, the show carries on, the dance doesn’t miss a beat. The bricks and mortar, the retirees seeking the quiet life, the expats in search of the American Dream – they all play their part in this performance, a testament to the enduring economic choreography between Mexico and the United States.

As the curtain falls on the second act, we’re left with a sense of anticipation. The dance, after all, is far from over. It will continue to evolve, shaped by the rhythm of economies, the pulse of politics, and the beat of individual hopes and dreams. And we, the audience, can only watch, spellbound by the spectacle of this enduring financial ballet.

a man and a woman dancing together
Photo by RDNE Stock project on

The Cross-Border Waltz

And so, the grand performance continues. The curtain rises, the spotlight illuminates a new stage – the intertwined worlds of trade, banking, and industrial development in the post-NAFTA era.

NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, signed in 1994, was like a new rhythm for the dancers. It changed the beat, sped up the tempo, and breathed fresh life into the cross-border waltz.

With the roll of drums, barriers came crashing down, and trade between the two nations took on an energetic swing. U.S. exports to Mexico rose from $51.9 billion in 1993 to $275.8 billion by 2020, a staggering leap. The dance of goods—automobiles, electronic equipment, machinery—created a whirlwind of economic activity, tying the two nations closer together.

The banking scene was not far behind. American banks, attracted by Mexico’s robust economic growth and regulatory reforms, moved south, setting up operations and providing much-needed capital for Mexican enterprises. Citigroup’s acquisition of Banamex, one of Mexico’s largest banks, is a significant example.

Likewise, Mexican financial institutions such as Banorte and Banco Azteca made their foray into U.S. banking, particularly focusing on serving the large Hispanic population in the States.

The industrial sector, too, experienced a post-NAFTA transformation. The maquiladora industry, especially, flourished under the new trade agreement. U.S. corporations established manufacturing plants south of the border, drawn by Mexico’s low labor costs. The cars on U.S. highways, the appliances in American homes—many can trace their origins back to these factories.

Yet, it’s not a waltz free of missteps. NAFTA, and its successor USMCA, have been criticized for leading to job losses in the U.S., exploiting cheap labor in Mexico, and causing environmental issues. These stumbling blocks remind us that this is a complex dance, one that requires finesse and careful maneuvering.

As the third act draws to a close, it’s clear that this waltz of cross-border trade, banking, and industry development will continue to evolve, shaped by the shifting economic and political landscape. It’s a dance that signifies more than just the movement of money—it reflects the intricate, delicate, and profound connection between these two nations. And for now, the Mexico-US music plays on.

group of friends eating while listening to mariachi band
Photo by Los Muertos Crew on

The Final Curtain: An Offbeat Rhythm in Mexico-US Offshore Investment

As the orchestra plays on, the final act unfolds, moving from the stage of financial interplay to a grittier, shadowy set where offshore investments take on a different guise. This act exposes a complex reality, where the Fast and Furious scandal and the rise of Mexican drug cartels reveal a sinister undercurrent beneath the harmonious dance of cross-border relations.

Operation Fast and Furious, a controversial Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) scheme, saw American firearms smuggled into Mexico, often landing in the wrong hands. This botched operation triggered an unsettling tremor that rippled across the border, adding a dissonant beat to the Mexico-US relationship.

Parallel to this runs another plot line – the rise of Mexican drug cartels. They’re orchestras of their own, composing symphonies of power and violence. These illegal empires have poured ill-gotten wealth into the US, investing in real estate and businesses, laundering money on an industrial scale.

These cartels also play a crucial role in the dark saga of illegal immigration. They control the routes, exploit the desperate, and profit from the human tragedy. It’s a heartbreaking dance, a perversion of the hopeful rhythm set by legal migrants in pursuit of the American Dream.

This influx of illegal immigrants, combined with the illicit capital flow, has provoked strong reactions on both sides of the border. Governments scramble to adjust their policies and enforcement efforts, while citizens grapple with the social and economic implications.

But even in this grim act, there are glimmers of resilience and hope. Law enforcement agencies and policymakers are collaborating to curtail the power of cartels and manage immigration more effectively. Citizens, too, are standing up, advocating for change, and providing support for those affected.

As the curtain falls on this epic performance, the future of the Mexico-US relationship remains uncertain. The dance will continue, shaped by the intricate dynamics of politics, economics, and human aspiration. The rhythm might change, the tempo may fluctuate, but the music won’t stop.

It’s been a tale of offshore investments, cross-border trade, and human stories that span the spectrum of hope, ambition, exploitation, and resilience. And as our audience, we hope you leave with a deeper understanding of this complex dance between two countries, two economies, and millions of intertwined lives. The show is over, but the echoes of this performance will continue to resonate in the days to come.

Mexico-US Offshore Investment image by Silicon Palms


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