Tag: Marc Faber
Gold Shares vs the DJIA
Q: What does Marc Faber and Jim Rogers expect for the price of gold shares VS the DJIA? A: They both think that a sever correction to the downside is eminent. Q: No. I follow Martin Armstrong’s analysis. A: Armstrong is tracking international capital flows and they are positive for the USD. A large part…
Market Mavens and Gold Market Speculation
Spectacular profits are captured in gold market speculation, the key is knowledge of when, where and how. To gain some insight we created a virtual round table of current-day market mavens, to which we added our favourite, the Great Bear of Wall Street; Jesse Livermore, perhaps the great stock market maven of all time. Some…
What does Marc Faber expect the gold prices to be?
Q: What does Marc Faber expect the gold prices to be? A: Marc Faber has been recommending the purchase of gold shares for about a year now. He thinks that the shares are now a good buy. He has not indicated that the current market correction is over. Who is Marc Faber? Q: Please connect…
Economic Law and the Price of Gold
Price of Gold Q: Can you give us an update on how close we are to the end of the bear market in Price of Gold? A: We get closer every day. That much is for sure. My best guess is the low will occur a month and a half to three and a half…