Tag: Donald Trump

  • Trump as President-Elect: Top 10 Year-End Tax Planning Tasks, according to McManus & Associates

    Top AV-rated attorney releases immediate to-do list with annual estate planning opportunities and strategies based on President-Elect Trump’s pre-election tax platform NEW YORK, NY – November 18, 2016 – In light of Donald Trump’s election and his pre-election platform to reduce marginal income tax rates, there are several planning strategies that should be considered as…

  • Reassessing Risks with the U.S. Dollar Strengthening

    Donald John Trump was elected the 45th president of the USA holding 290 votes of the Electoral College against 228 earned by former Secretary of State Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton. In the popular vote the democratic candidate won by 668,273 votes, but Trump’s success to gain in key swing states took the majority of the…

  • World Out Of Whack: Military Miscalculations

    When it comes to the stock and bond markets, the mandate’s pretty simple. Deny, then inflate another bubble. The central banks will continue to do this until the market takes their ability to do so away. It’s going to be quite something to witness. What about geopolitics, though? This is a bit trickier to determine,…

  • Fixed System and Gold Market Speculation

    Q: Is now a good time to be buying gold share or bullion? You have still not issued a buy signal. When do you think you will be able to give a buy signal on the Fixed System? A: January or February 2017 is the target now. Q: Are you expectation the gold market to…

  • The Day Donald Trump Flunked Econ 101

    Market dislocations occur when financial markets, operating under stressful conditions, experience large widespread asset mispricing. Welcome to this week’s edition of “World Out Of Whack” where every Wednesday Capitalist Exploits take time out of their day to applaud insanity, laugh, poke fun at and present to you absurdity in global financial markets in all it’s glorious insanity.…

  • What financial interests are backing Trump?

    Q: Who are the financial interests that are backing Trump? A: I am not prepared to go on the record now with a definitive statement on an issue that I do not have personal knowledge. I am not Trump’s advisor. I do not possess secret knowledge. There are however, some uncontested facts that indicate some…

  • Reset for the price of gold

    Q: Will Trump support a reset for the price of gold. A: Yes. Q; Why? A: The persons who control the big banks are also the persons that own most of the gold. Putting gold officially back into the monetary system will likely be necessary after the crash and burn in order to restore confidence.…

  • A political solution that Trumps economics

    Q: Is there ever a political solution that Trumps economics? A: That is a very good question. Yes and no is the answer. Politicians can institute economic reforms. There can be a correlation but that does not prove causation. Trump may adopt radical economic reform that helps solve problems and that may only be possible…

  • Clinton, Trump Advisers to Debate Economic Policy in EF Hutton Town Hall

    October Debate in Springfield, Ohio, Attracting Undecided Voters SPRINGFIELD, Ohio, Sept. 16, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — Offering important insights into a historic presidential election, EF Hutton, the financial services firm known for its attention to client needs, is sponsoring a debate on the economic policies of the presidential candidates. Scheduled for Oct. 2, the EF Hutton Town…