• Gold Shares vs the DJIA

    Q: What does Marc Faber and Jim Rogers expect for the price of gold shares VS the DJIA? A: They both think that a sever correction to the downside is eminent. Q: No. I follow Martin Armstrong’s analysis. A: Armstrong is tracking international capital flows and they are positive for the USD. A large part…

  • Short Selling vs Casino Gambling

    Q: When a proposal for short selling is presented, a frequent objection is that profit potential is limited in that the shares can only go down to zero but losses are potentially infinite since there is no limit, in theory, to how high the stock price can go. How do you answer such an objection?…

  • Market Timing the Low in Gold

    From a purely mental perspective it’s a snap. We know when the low will occur and the gold market will turn from a bear to a bull. It will happen when most market participants expect a higher future price than the then spot price plus the cost to carry. Ludwig von Mises, in Human Action,…

  • Stock Market Speculation with Inverse ETF’s

    An inverse exchange-traded fund is an exchange-traded fund (ETF), traded on a public stock market, which is designed to perform as the inverse of whatever index or benchmark it is designed to track. These funds work by using short selling, trading derivatives such as futures contracts, and other leveraged investment techniques. By providing, over short…