Category: Economics

  • Get Ready for Crazy – Jeff Thomas

    Recently, the Honduras homes and businesses of the family of Jaime Rosenthal were raided by the Honduran government. The properties themselves were seized and other assets taken. The family-owned bank was also seized and has been forced into liquidation, creating potential financial crisis for its 220,000 clients. Throngs of angry clients, unable to go about…

  • The Next Thing Might Be Helicopter Money

    James Grant, Wall Street expert and editor of the investment journal Grant’s Interest Rate Observer, warns of ever more extreme central bank policies and bets on the comeback of gold. The global financial markets are under severe stress. The postponed interest rate hike in the United States, the fast cooldown of the Chinese economy and…

  • Market Timing the Low in Gold

    From a purely mental perspective it’s a snap. We know when the low will occur and the gold market will turn from a bear to a bull. It will happen when most market participants expect a higher future price than the then spot price plus the cost to carry. Ludwig von Mises, in Human Action,…

  • Fractional Reserve Gold Bullion

    Q: A roughly 20-year bear market in gold and gold mining shares ended approximately with 9/11. What role, if any, did 9/11 play in this major market turn? A: First of all, my view is that markets are made by human reaction to events. The reaction is a subjective judgement. Objective events do not move…

  • Mark Farber is a Real Economist

    Q: Mark Farber recently observed that the USA economy based on savings, capital investment and production did well from about 1820 to 1971 and, based on money printing, from 1971 to today, has not done well. Your comments? A: Mark Farber is a real economist and competent wealth manager. He is not a political propagandist…

  • Investors are more Optimistic – Weekly Market Overview

    US stocks closed higher on Monday as market sentiment was bolstered by an agreement for a third bailout program between Greece and its creditors. S&P 500 closed 1.1% higher with all 10 main sectors finishing with gains. The dollar strengthened, with US Dollar Index rising 0.8% to 96.7520. European stocks rose sharply as Stoxx 600 gained 2%,…

  • How To Be Your Own Economic Quarterback

    You Need To Be The Economic MVP Every Year After a lifetime of earning and saving, one might expect a comfortable and financially secure retirement, especially with a reliable financial advisor – right? “Life is rarely that simple or black-and-white and, unfortunately, neither is the financial realm,” says Bryan S. Slovon, founder and CEO of…

  • Do You Know How Much Your Other Half Makes?

    Study: Four out of 10 Couples in the U.S. Could Not Correctly Identify How Much Their Spouse Earns Experts often tell us “never keep secrets in a relationship” and “the key to any successful relationship is open communication.” So why is it, according to Fidelity Investments fifth Couples Retirement Study, four out of ten (43%)…

  • Short Selling Shares and Economic Law

    Extraordinary speculative profits are possible with minor risk if you verify the truth, properly use logic, and keep it private. The establishment will continue to make war and milk the public. If you understand exactly how they are doing this, you can protect yourself and profit far beyond the norm. If you are short selling…