How much Dore Gold does Ghana export?
According to the World Gold Council’s report on gold production and exports, Ghana is the largest producer and exporter of gold in Africa. In 2020, Ghana produced 142 metric tonnes of gold and exported approximately 80% of it. However, the report does not provide specific information on the amount of gold exported in the form of dore, which is a mixture of gold and silver that is further refined to separate the two metals.

Top 10 producers of gold in Africa?
Sure, here are the top 10 producers of gold in Africa according to the World Gold Council’s report on gold production and exports for 2020:
- Ghana – 142 tonnes
- Sudan – 93 tonnes
- Mali – 73 tonnes
- Burkina Faso – 62 tonnes
- Tanzania – 50 tonnes
- Guinea – 36 tonnes
- Ethiopia – 15 tonnes
- Côte d’Ivoire – 12 tonnes
- Zimbabwe – 12 tonnes
- Namibia – 10 tonnes
Please note that these figures are based on available data up to 2020 and may have changed since then.

How many gold refineries are in Africa?
There are several gold refineries in Africa, but the exact number is not publicly available as the industry is highly competitive and the number of refineries can change over time. However, some of the major gold refineries in Africa include Rand Refinery in South Africa, the largest gold refinery in the world, as well as refineries in countries such as Ghana, Egypt, Morocco, and Tanzania. The African Gold Refinery (AGR) in Uganda is also a notable refinery that specializes in the refining of raw gold from conflict zones in Africa.
How many small-scale gold miners in Ghana?

According to the Ghanaian government, there are approximately 1 million small-scale gold miners in Ghana. Small-scale mining is an important sector of the Ghanaian economy and provides livelihoods for many people in rural areas. However, small-scale mining also comes with a number of challenges such as environmental degradation, health and safety risks for the miners, and social and economic issues related to the informal nature of the sector. The Ghanaian government has taken steps to regulate the sector and improve conditions for small-scale miners in recent years.

Top buyers of Ghana Gold?
The top buyers of Ghana’s gold exports vary from year to year, but some of the major buyers of Ghanaian gold include:
- Switzerland
- United Arab Emirates
- India
- China
- United Kingdom
- Turkey
- United States
- Canada
- South Africa
- Germany
Please note that the list can change from year to year, and some countries may not be listed due to the confidentiality of gold trade information. However, these countries are among the major buyers of Ghanaian gold.

How much gold does India import?
India is one of the largest importers of gold in the world, with a significant portion of the gold imported for use in the jewelry industry. According to the World Gold Council, India imported approximately 413 tonnes of gold in 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on gold demand and importation in India, with imports dropping by about 60% compared to the previous year. However, India’s gold imports are expected to rebound as the country recovers from the pandemic and demand for gold jewelry and investment returns to pre-pandemic levels.
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