Structure Capital Offshore – The Only Tax Rules Compliant and Double Tax Agreements Non-Reporting and Excluded Account
The pension regime is very important internationally and one thing the OECD organization has done amazingly well is Double Tax Agreements.
They have come out with an amendment to the OECD model double tax agreement that introduces a completely new concept, which is very beneficial to specific pension funds; by defining what is and what is not a recognized plan.
[box type=”tick” size=”large” style=”rounded”]A recognized plan is a non-reporting and an excluded account.[/box]
This is where compliance is a legally binding position in FATCA rules, CRS rules, DTAs and OECD agreements. This specific pension law is actually defined in several different tax laws as being recognized, certificate of tax resident and legally binding; which means that holders of these pensions can not be accused of being involved with a tax avoidance scheme. Therefore, being recognized is not a law firm opinion or an attorney sales pitch because this structure is registered in several different tax laws.
Retirement law is not a tax haven, insurance product or company, nor a personal trust. Internationally recognized retirement law is carved out under the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), carved out under Common Reporting Standard (CRS), Automatic Exchange of Information (AEoI) and specifically mentioned in Double Tax Agreements (DTA); unlike banks, law firms, LLC’s and insurance companies.
This is the only type of existing foreign financial account that individuals can use to defer income on gains and accumulations. That it is a tax rules compliant and excluded account
The electrifying reaction today is that the ”on balance sheet”, the ”off balance sheet” and the old bribery stuff that has been used in the past e.g. BVI, Cayman, Panama, Switzerland and Trusts do not work now. If those who are providing those structures are non-compliant it leads to money laundering charges; conspiracy to defraud.
This pension law solution may not actually work for some because current capital holdings can not be injected as a pension contribution. Capital can be acquired into a pension.
To find out if you can set up a pension fund that can acquire your capital request our white paper , ”How to Structure Capital Offshore”.
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