Category: Futures, Options and Commodities
Why Binary options trading is a risky bet for beginners but a worthy one for Pros?
There is a considerable amount of risk with all categories of investments and binary options are no exception to that. While binary options are popular among novice investors because of the simplicity of its concept, it is still considered a risky bet for beginners because it is purely based on predicting the future market trendsof…
Market Mavens and Gold Market Speculation
Spectacular profits are captured in gold market speculation, the key is knowledge of when, where and how. To gain some insight we created a virtual round table of current-day market mavens, to which we added our favourite, the Great Bear of Wall Street; Jesse Livermore, perhaps the great stock market maven of all time. Some…
What would Jesse Livermore and Sun Tzu be doing in today’s gold market?
Q: What would Jesse Livermore and Sun Tzu be doing in today’s gold market? A: Lusting for blood. Both would understand that there is a historic opportunity to make serious money in the next few years. Civil unrest is coming. The Art of Speculation during Civil War Sun Tzu Meets Jesse Livermore The people controlling…
What does Marc Faber expect the gold prices to be?
Q: What does Marc Faber expect the gold prices to be? A: Marc Faber has been recommending the purchase of gold shares for about a year now. He thinks that the shares are now a good buy. He has not indicated that the current market correction is over. Who is Marc Faber? Q: Please connect…
Is the Trump rally for real?
Q: Is the Trump rally for real? A: Yes. You can see that prices of equity shares have increased substantially on good volume. Public investors at retail are coming back for the first time since 2007. On a wave count basis it appears that we are now in the fifth wave: the final retail blow…
Wave count and gold price
Q; Do you have a opinion on where in the wave count we are for gold? A: It sure is amazing that none of the hotshot “experts’ could see that there were only 3 waves (not 5) off the December lows, and that wave 3 was shorter than wave 1. So we have the classical…
Fracking Companies to be Graded on Risk Disclosure to Investors
In tough times, is the Fracking Industry retreating or advancing on transparency? Sustainable Investing Coalition to Evaluate 28 Companies — Including Exxon, BP, Chevron, BHP Billiton — on Risk Management; Updated 2016 Scorecard to Include Methane Leakage Scores. WASHINGTON, D.C. (NEWS ADVISORY) – Faced with the same kind of downturn as the coal industry, are…
About how to trade properly
Q: I am interested in learning more about how to trade properly. Can you help me? Your material on pyramiding: It sounds too good to be true. So, is it true? A: It is a mathematical model that permits you to compare alternatives. Q: It is not realistic. People do not get these types of…
About the magic of compounding
Q: Magic of compounding sounds too good to be true. So, is it true? A: It is a mathematical model that permits you to compare alternatives. Q: It is not realistic. People do not get these types of returns. Reality is different. A: Yes, most people are negative and do not even try. Then there…