Category: Futures, Options and Commodities
Gold Price Direction: Strengthening Your Portfolio With Powerful, Intuitive Algorithmic Indicators
Gold represents many different things to many different people. For some, the world of commodities trading is simply one of several elements within a larger investment portfolio. To others, gold represents a reliable and secure vehicle through which future financial security, particularly during retirement years, can be gained. That being said, the price of gold…
The Offshore Attraction
At the mention of offshore investments there is usually a raised eyebrow and immediate expression of distrust. Portrayed in the movies as the realm of the super-rich with secrets to hide or as a blatant vaunting by criminals of ill-gotten gains, there is far more myth than reality in fact within the public understanding. To…
A Foreign Financial Account excluded from FATCA
UNITED STATES IRC 402(b) LAW (1986) UNLEASHES TAX OFFSHORE The U.S. Tax system is generally hostile to foreign financial structures if there is a U.S. taxpayer or U.S. beneficiary involved. The hostility is understandable-foreign structures interfere with government ability to impose or collect tax. Avoiding international tax pitfalls can be best achieved, both foreign and…
6 Key Oil & Gas Discoveries of 2013 – Who’s Worth Owning
The pace of oil and gas exploration is frightening, and discoveries are weekly, if not daily, with volumes investors would only have dreamt of a decade ago. With each new discovery, it becomes difficult to keep track of the playing field, and even more difficult to rank the potential. There are also a lot of…
Oil stocks should be traded. Don’t buy and hold
We have published articles over the last few weeks to help investors understand what the global economic drivers will be over the next ten years. The three drivers were: Growth of the world population Global Debt Monetary Easing & Inflation In our long-term investment themes to generate wealth over the next ten years, we have…
Will Oil Always Be Priced in Dollars?
The oil industry began in Texas and so oil is priced in dollars. In 2009, however, the Independent reported what would be a highly-profound move: the Gulf States, China, Japan, France and Russia were negotiating to end dollar-denominated dealings in oil. Use would instead be made of a basket of currencies including the euro, Chinese…
Oil, Gold, Asia & the Best Investment in the World Right Now
An Interview with Jim Rogers World markets appear to be hovering over a precipice as Europe’s sovereign debt crisis, slowdowns in India and China and further bank downgrades threaten to send stocks and commodities down even further. Falling oil and gas prices may offer some respite to consumers but are they enough to help the…
Crude Oil Analysis for the Week of November 21
January Crude Oil futures succumbed to selling pressure last week, reaching a high at $103.37 and forming a closing price reversal top. Once confirmed, this pattern often leads to a minimum 50% correction of the most recent rally. Although a sell-off is likely, it doesn’t mean the trend has changed to down. What this pattern…
Daly Gold Report
DECEMBER GOLD FINISHES SESSION UP $4.90 AND SETTLES AT $1725.10 FOR THE WEEK This week the December Gold Futures contract covered a vast $86.60 trading range. On Monday November 14th we traded as high as $1797.60 and on Thursday November 17th we traded as low as $1711.00 the volatility and choppy market conditions continue to…