Category: Economics

  • April is Financial Literacy Month Launches New Online Bookseller Dedicated to Expanding Financial Literacy [box type=”tick” style=”rounded” border=”full”] helps consumers self-educate on both personal finance issues and everyday economics[/box] April 13, 2016 – Financial literacy is a vitally important skill for achieving success, yet one that is rarely taught in school. It is perhaps no wonder that more than…

  • The Greatest Crash Of Your Life Is Just Ahead… – warns Harry Dent

    Harry Dent, best-selling author and economist, has warned that the stock bubble in the U.S. today is the biggest in history and that the “greatest crash of your life is just ahead…” Writing on his website, Dent warned that The story on Wall Street and CNBC continues to be that we’re in a correction…

  • Short Selling vs Casino Gambling

    Q: When a proposal for short selling is presented, a frequent objection is that profit potential is limited in that the shares can only go down to zero but losses are potentially infinite since there is no limit, in theory, to how high the stock price can go. How do you answer such an objection?…

  • Does The Fixed System use Austrian Economics?

    I prefer the approach Rothbard takes in Man, Economy, and State (written 1975), his one-thousand-page magnum opus and attempt to include all the laws of economics. He built on the work done by his mentor, Ludwig von Mises, in Human Action. Mises was from Vienna, Austria. The name Austrian Economics derived from a simple fact…

  • Can Governments Fix a Market Price?

    The Silver Market was recently found to be rigged. Can Governments Fix a Market Price? [box type=”info”]HISTORIC EVENT: LBMA SILVER FIX BREAKS, JANUARY 28TH — Silver Markets in Disarray After Benchmark Price FIXED AT $13.58, FAR BELOW REAL WORLD Trades, Spot Price[/box] No, they cannot. Consider the fact that all currency pegs have ultimately failed.…

  • Man, Economy, and Spiritual State

    Q: What should I tell a client who is uncomfortable with speculation and would rather buy and renovate real estate when the yield is over ten percent and sell when it’s under five percent? A: That is a very good question. It raises many issues, which Rothbard (Man, Economy, and State) and Mises (Human Action)…

  • Value of a Diamond in the Rough

    Q: I’m having trouble understanding your statement that all value is subjective. I can clearly see how it applies to a diamond, but not to food. Food is necessary for life. Its value seems to be inherent or fundamental to the food itself. But you cannot eat a diamond. Its value is determined by passing…

  • Is the Fed About to Light the Fuse on a $9 Trillion Debt Bomb?

    The US Federal Reserve (Fed) and European Central Bank (ECB) have created a very dangerous situation. Throughout the last six years, there has been a sense of coordination between the Fed and ECB. This was evident both in terms of where capital went as well as how it was delivered via monetary policy. For instance,…

  • Market Timing and Martin Armstrong

    Q: You seem to have a healthy respect for Martin Armstrong’s work. He’s made some spectacularly correct predictions. What is his current position on the gold market, and do you agree with him? A: We seem to get the same results for different reasons. He works with cycles and compiled a database and developed the…