BRICS Nations to Challenge US Dollar Dominance with New Currency and Blockchain Payment System

BRICS Nations to Challenge US Dollar Dominance with New Currency and Blockchain Payment System

The BRICS nations—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—have announced ambitious plans to introduce a new currency aimed at reducing the dominance of the US dollar in global trade and finance. This move could have far-reaching implications for international markets and investors. Here, we delve into the key details of this groundbreaking development.

BRICS Currency Announcement

The BRICS alliance is working towards the formation of a new currency to be used in global markets as an alternative to the US dollar. The primary objective is to reduce reliance on the greenback and promote de-dollarization.

  • De-dollarization Efforts: South African Ambassador to China Siyabonga Cyprian Cwele confirmed that “the BRICS are advancing the progress of its common currency” and actively promoting the use of local currencies to mitigate the risks associated with sole reliance on the US dollar .
  • Iran’s Role: Iranian Ambassador to Russia Kazem Jalali stated that “the creation of a new single currency within the framework of the association is what Russia and Iran are working on.” Iran recently joined the expanded BRICS+ group, further strengthening the coalition’s efforts .
  • Currency Backed by Commodities: The new BRICS currency is expected to be backed by gold and other commodities like rare earth metals, giving it intrinsic value and making it attractive for trade settlement among members .

BRICS Pay – A Blockchain Payment System

In addition to the proposed new currency, Russia has suggested the creation of a blockchain-based payment system called “BRICS Pay” to facilitate cross-border transactions in national currencies among BRICS members.

  • Alternative to SWIFT: BRICS Pay would act as an alternative to the SWIFT payment system, enabling the integration of digital versions of currencies like the ruble, yuan, rupee, and more .
  • Enhancing International Monetary Role: Russia aims to increase the role of BRICS in the international monetary system through this payment network, promoting the use of non-dollar currencies and enhancing financial sovereignty among BRICS nations and allies .

Implications for Global Investors

The announcement of a new BRICS currency and the development of BRICS Pay reflect a significant shift in the global financial landscape. For investors, several key points should be considered:

  • Diversification of Currency Risk: The introduction of a new currency backed by commodities provides an opportunity to diversify currency risk, especially for those involved in international trade.
  • Increased Stability: With the backing of gold and rare earth metals, the new currency could offer more stability compared to fiat currencies, which are susceptible to inflation and other economic pressures.
  • Investment Opportunities in Blockchain Technology: The development of BRICS Pay highlights the growing importance of blockchain technology in facilitating secure and efficient cross-border transactions. This could present new investment opportunities in blockchain infrastructure and related technologies.
  • Geopolitical Shifts: The move towards de-dollarization and the strengthening of economic ties among BRICS nations could lead to significant geopolitical shifts, affecting global trade dynamics and investment strategies.


The BRICS nations’ plans to launch a new currency and a blockchain-based payment system mark a bold step towards reshaping the global financial order. For investors, this development underscores the importance of staying informed about geopolitical trends and exploring new avenues for diversification and growth. As the BRICS alliance continues to advance its financial strategies, the global investment landscape is poised for transformation.

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Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Always conduct thorough research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.


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