Tag: Panama
Offshore Investment Conference Panama 2012
Event: The Offshore Investment Conference Panama 2012 Date: 21 & 22 March 2012 Venue: El Panama Hotel, Panama City, Panama Chairman: Derek R. Sambrook Private Interest Foundations, Trusts, Asset Protection, Banking, E-Commerce, Insurance, Shipping, Free Zones, Regulation, Taxation, Secrecy, Immigration, Investment, Relationships with the US, Europe and Asia Offshore Investment, a UK based international publishing…
The Future of Offshore Banking and Offshore Corporations
First it needs to be stated that no one has a crystal ball which predicts the future. These thoughts are just opinions and should be taken as such not as legal or tax advice. We will try to show the political positions of the countries that are not in favor of the tax haven offshore…
Panama’s Not Cheap Anymore
In the late 90s, I first began hearing about Panama while living in Costa Rica. There was a groundswell movement of expats who felt that the cost of living in Costa Rica was too high and sought greener pastures, quite literally. They found their lower cost lifestyle a few hundred miles south in Panama’s highlands.…
Panama, a Rising Star in Offshore Asset Protection
In recent years there has been a noticeable increase in smaller countries competing for a larger slice of the growing offshore financial market. While many smaller countries were once under large countries foreign empirical control, they are now independent and free to plot a self-directed course by which they can grow and prosper. Many of…
Panamanian Private Foundations
On June 12, 1995, the National Assembly of Panama adopted Law No.25 by which Private Foundations are created and regulated. The idea behind the drafting of this new law arose from the popularity and well deserved good reputation of the Liechtenstein Family (and Mixed) Foundations in certain parts of Europe , specially in Switzerland .…