Tag: Exchange Traded Fund
Open AI on ETF vs Mutual Fund
What are the differences between an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) and a Mutual Fund? Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) and Mutual Funds (MFs) are both investment vehicles that pool money from individual investors and invest it in a variety of assets, such as stocks, bonds, and other securities. However, there are several differences between these two…
Is Cyprus telling us to Buy Tech, Sell Financials
Is Cyprus telling us to Buy Tech, Sell Financials Over the last few weeks I have published a series of articles to help investors understand what will be the global economic drivers for the next ten years. These three drivers were: Growth of the world population Global Debt Monetary Easing & Inflation Now that we…
Where to Begin in Offshore Investment
So you’re thinking of investing offshore, are you? Isn’t it a little risky? Isn’t an offshore account for someone doing something illegal? What about taxes? Where the heck do I even start? These are all very good questions and, if you’re unfamiliar with acquiring overseas assets, the very idea can seem daunting and maybe not…