PIPE Investment Strategy

PIPE Investment StrategyThe Global Village Investment Club (GVIC) is the largest venture capital club in the world. Its PIPE investment strategy is always profitable. GVIC members see a future that includes the Mother of all Depressions. They are using their PIPE strategy to prepare for difficult economic times that they see coming in the next twenty years. The group has started its 2007 membership drive.

Pescadero, CA (PRWEB) October 10, 2006 — GVIC is making money to survive the worst Depression in History. The Venture Capital Club members do Private Placements in Public Equities (PIPEs). They fund non-U.S.-operating companies. Their goal is to recover their risk capital in a few months and take their profit in a few years. The investment model is the one used by Merchant Banks. It works.

The Club members believe that Governments focus on short-term economic goals and fail to consider the implications of their policies over longer periods. Environmental problems require multi-trillion dollar solutions. Governments lack the money to solve the problems they fail to avoid. The War on Terror is destroying the economic infrastructure of the West. The World Economy is slowly slipping into the abyss.

Governments are marching toward “1984” solutions to social problems. The Bill of Rights no longer protects reporters nor anyone accused of being an “Enemy Combatant.” America is running concentration camps in Cuba and Afghanistan. We’ve moved from a position of believing that human beings have inalienable rights to one where Washington determines the rights of Americans.

We can’t change the Path of Western Civilization. We can avoid being road kill on the road to perdition. It takes money, which GVIC members make with PIPEs. It takes planning, which starts with the recognition of the fact that there are very dark economic clouds on the world’s horizon. GVIC members are the ants preparing for a hard winter. We want to recruit more ants that share our vision and values.

Individuals who see the future and are wise enough to want to have the money to avoid its consequences are welcome to attend orientation meetings in January or February of 2007. Earlier meetings can be arranged upon request.

GVIC has become the largest Venture Capital Club in the world because its PIPE investment strategy consistently works. Merchant banks have used the PIPE strategy for over one hundred years. The GVIC members, the goal in making money is to survive the coming hard times as the impact of our Society’s shortsighted economic policies take their toll on our future well being.


Photo credit: Arch_Sam via VisualHunt / CC BY


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