“Visitors to Las Vegas lose around $6 billion a year at the casinos.
Yet we keep going back. Even though we know logically that we’ll lose money and that the odds are literally stacked against us, we hold out hope that we will be the special one who hits blackjack and goes home rich. Close your eyes and think about Vegas for a moment — do you think of it as a fun place to go for the weekend with friends? Or as a dangerous money pit full of liars and thieves?
Now swap out Vegas or the race track for Wall Street.
Why do we keep going back to Wall Street when the average investor gets very little besides high fees and low returns?
We do it because we got lucky once with a stock tip from a friend. We do it because we feel safer with the devil we know than the devil we don’t. We do it because… we just don’t know any better.
Once you read Odds On, you will know better.
I bet you $1,000 it will change your life.”
Matt Hall is the President and Co-Founder of Hill Investment Group with offices in St. Louis, MO and Houston, TX. He is the lead on all strategic matters — crafting the firm’s vision, establishing its exceptional standards, and managing key relationships. Hall is forever a student of his craft and has attended the highest level of training and education tied to investment theory and practice. What’s more, Hall has led many training programs for top advisors, and founded a peer group of hundreds of advisors, called Evidence-Based Advisors, from the U.S., UK, New Zealand, Australia, Belgium, and Canada.
Hall graduated from the University of Missouri, Columbia with a bachelor’s degree in English literature. He and his wife, Lisa, have a young daughter who is the star of their lives.
Learn more about Hall at matthallbook.com and connect with him on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Odds On is currently available on 800 CEO Read, Amazon and other fine booksellers.
Photo credit: Thomas Hawk via Visual hunt / CC BY-NC
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