Dual Passports: How to Obtain a Second Citizenship

usa_passportWe shall start off this discussion by eliminating a form of dual passport given by the 30 day quick passport people. Research points to a 30 day dual passport as a scam. Now if you just want a passport as an American Citizen within the 30 day time period, it may be possible to do this through the U.S. mail. Offshore investing and International living will be the highlighted in this discussion. An Expat American and sovereign citizenship will be discussed as well.

When talking about the fastest way to a dual passport, it might lead us to the 30 day people, but there is a clear distinction, between speed and the 30 day principle.

If your Parents or Grandparents were born in another country, and they have second citizenship through the U.S., you may obtain dual citizenship by applying for a dual passport in their country of origin.

The economic citizenship program is considered one of the quickest ways to obtain a passport. If you would like to be a citizen of another country, you can invest in the State with a donation through the above economic program.

Possibly costing in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, you can endow States by the purchase of real property and other forms of investing. This way might just be the fastest way without having to naturalize yourself through a wait period of several years.

It is also possible to wait out the time it takes to be naturalized. Although waiting for your citizenship in a country abroad, sometimes it can be a positive experience learning the culture and society outside the U.S.

If you are a citizen from another country and that country allows dual citizenship with the United States, then you do not need to fill out citizenship papers, you automatically qualify for the two.

In a similar way, a U.S. Citizen may obtain Citizenship through marriage. This is started through some paperwork including a fiancee visa application, and takes a culmination of almost two years before a test qualifying you to be a citizen is passed.

The reason for the fiancée visa is that U.S. Consular offices cannot perform nuptial agreements. According to the Law of Foreign Countries, civil or religious officials generally perform marriages.

Whether it’s through offshore investing and planting your feet on foreign soil, you may very well get the distinction of having dual passport (citizenship) privileges. When it’s as an Expat American or through International living, the world is your Oyster. If sovereign citizenship is for you, I invite you to take a look at the possibility of visiting and thinking about living in another country.


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