Category: Stocks and Bonds

  • Martin Armstrong and Asset Allocation Models

    Can a computer model predict the world economy? MARTIN ARMSTRONG, once a US based trillion dollar financial advisor, developed a computer model based on the number pi and other cyclical theories to predict economic turning points with incredible precision. In the early 80s he established his financial forecasting and advising company Princeton Economics. His forecasts…

  • Impact Investing Survey Results

    SURVEY: 2 OUT OF 5 FINANCIAL ADVISORS SAY THEY ALREADY OFFER “IMPACT INVESTING” TO CLIENTS, ANOTHER 15 PERCENT PLAN TO DO SO Financial Advisors Agree: Millennials, Women, and College-educated Investors are Top Three Groups Driving the Availability of Impact-Investing Choices COLORADO SPRINGS (October 28, 2015)—“Impact investing” is a hot topic in the financial world today.…

  • Offshore Investment Diversification and Specialization

    Both diversification and specialization have a proper place and function for anyone — not just investors and speculators — who depends on an asset’s income stream or capital value. What’s comfortable for one person may be inappropriate for another. However, there are generalizations worth considering. Let’s start with a few fundamental economic facts. Man has…

  • Saving For Retirement: What You Need to Know About 401(K), Traditional IRA and Roth IRA Plans

    10 Useful Resources for Investors who are Saving For Retirement WASHINGTON, D.C. September 30, 2015 – At a time when nearly one of three U.S. households have $0 saved for retirement, the nonprofit Alliance for Investor Education (AIE) is making available “Saving For Retirement: What You Need To Know About 401(k), Traditional IRA and Roth IRA…

  • Economic Law and Market Timing

    This is the most difficult of the many challenges a speculator or investor faces. If you think that you are not affected, think again. Your head is in the sand. The buy and hold for the long term does not insulate you from the effects of the cyclical nature of markets. It only camouflages the…

  • Road Map For How the Crash Will Play Out

    Q: Graham Summers, the Chief Market Strategist, at Phoenix Capital Research, has submitted an article: A Road Map For How the Crash Will Play Out (see: excerpt below). It has been republished by Zerohedge: [box]From the perspective of investor psychology, an entire generation of professional fund managers and investors have become pillars of the…

  • Dash for the Stash Investor Education and Protection Program

    2,000 PARTICIPATED IN “DASH FOR THE STASH” INVESTOR EDUCATION AND PROTECTION PROGRAM IN LIBRARIES IN FIVE STATES AND D.C. $1,000 Contributions Provided to Six Participants in “Scavenger Hunt”-Like Contest Organized by Investor Protection Institute and State Securities Agencies. WASHINGTON, D.C. – August 20, 2015 – A total of 230 public libraries and other locations in…

  • Conflicted Advice from Brokers According to Public Investors Arbitration Bar Association

    ATTORNEY REPRESENTING 500+ INVESTORS IN CONFLICTED ADVICE CASES: HOLD BROKERAGE FIRMS RESPONSIBLE FOR FIDUCIARY DUTY THEY ALREADY TELL INVESTORS THEY HAVE Public Investors Arbitration Bar Association President Cites Examples of Near Retirees Victimized by Industry Practices that Department of Labor Rule Would Bar WASHINGTON, D.C. – August 11, 2015 – The U.S. Department of Labor…

  • S&P 500 Foreign Sales Report

    NEW YORK, July 15, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — S&P Dow Jones Indices (“S&P DJI”), one of the world’s leading index providers, announced today that, for S&P 500® companies with full reporting information for 2014, the percentage of sales from foreign countries increased after five years of stagnation. According to S&P DJI’s annual S&P 500 Foreign Sales Report,…