Category: Precious Metals

  • What does Peter Schiff expect for the gold price?

    Q: What does Peter Schiff expect for the gold price? A: In the long term a multiple of today’s price. His economic analysis is first rate but he does tend to be a permabull on gold. Who is Peter Schiff? Q: Please connect this back to the five dimension analysis. A: You want to be…

  • What is David Stockman’s recommendation for gold?

    Q: What is David Stockman’s recommendation for gold now? A: He thinks that the price, long term, will protect investors from central bank money printing and so views gold as a hedge appropriate for the average investor. Who is David Stockman? Q: Please connect this back to the five dimension analysis. A: You want to…

  • What is Gerald Celente expecting to happen to the gold price in 2017?

    Q: What is Gerald Celente expecting to happen to the gold price over the next year? A: He expects that once it reaches $1,400 that it quickly will go over $2,000. That has been his view for over half a year now. He did not predict the current correction. Who is Gerald Celente? Q: Please…

  • Predicting the price of gold, compared to magic

    Q: It seems as if you have connected predicting the price of gold to magic. Is there a connection you can comment on? A: Yes and no. The confusion arises from an incomplete understanding of infinity. Q: I understand that in each higher dimension that the prior lower dimension is infinity repeated: there are in…

  • The big score in gold market speculation

    Q: What is the big score, in theory, with gold market speculation? A: The first approach is to buy and hold gold bullion. The results would be, in USD terms, a profit of $61,100 or 61.1 percent. Another alternative is to invest in gold mining shares. On average, these are three times as volatile as…

  • Is Trump election good for gold?

    Q: How do you view the recent Trump election? Good for gold short and long term? Why did we have the panic up and the the downturn the same day? A: All market fluctuation is a function of human emotional reaction to events. It is never the fact of what has happened but the thinking…

  • Reset for the price of gold

    Q: Will Trump support a reset for the price of gold. A: Yes. Q; Why? A: The persons who control the big banks are also the persons that own most of the gold. Putting gold officially back into the monetary system will likely be necessary after the crash and burn in order to restore confidence.…

  • Hillary Clinton and the price of gold?

    Q: Would Hillary Clinton’s election to the presidency of the USA be positive for the price of gold? A: On balance, yes but not for the same reasons as Trump’s election. I expect that the economy would tank faster under a left wing Marxist approach that could be expected from Clinton. Trump is more nationalist…

  • Is Trump bullish for the price of gold?

    Q: Would the election of Donald J. Trump be bullish for the price of gold? A: On balance yes. Q: What are the reasons? A: It would be a very public and global indication that the political climate in the USA has turned toward reality and away from the fantasy of fiat money expansion being…