Category: Precious Metals
Compounding and Pyramiding Compared to Capital Protection
This presentation is not a recommendation or solicitation. We will compare different approaches to how $100k could be employed with a common assumption that the price of gold will increase from $1,000 to $1,611, The first approach is to buy and hold gold bullion. The results would be, in USD terms, a profit of $61,100…
Gold Market and the China Currency War
Q: What effect will the recent devaluation on the Chinese Yuan have on the price of gold? I expect that since the USD increased in value relative to the Yuan that it would be bad for the price of gold in USD terms. Am I thinking correctly? A: The devaluation is of no predictive value.…
A Look at the World’s Gold Reserves
Currencies are backed up by gold as a form of security and used as a guarantee of payment. Although the gold standard was abandoned long ago, governments still have confidence in the precious metal and its worth has actually increased in the 21st century. History of Gold Reserves Although having no major chemical use, man…
3 Tax Saving Plans for Gold Investments
Adding to the confusion of extensive tax laws is the fact that they change, says gold financial strategist William A. Storum. In 2013, for example, new tax laws moved the highest federal income tax rate from 35 percent to 39.6 percent. For 2014, if your taxable income topped $406,750 – or $457,600 if you’re married…
Gold and Cryptocurrency Coin
Gold Cryptocurrency Coin During the past year, the world’s UHNW (ultra high net worth) population reached an all-time high of 199,235 individuals and a combined wealth of US$27.8 trillion and these investors understand a gold backed cryptocurrency coin. Growth was largely due to North America and Europe, with the two regions responsible for a net…
Invest Offshore in a Gold Mine
Recently an overview for a Gold Project in Brazil reached my inbox, so naturally I have been sharing the opportunity with qualified people in my Network. However, since I’m always in need of valuable content for Invest Offshore and because (as mentioned in my videos) I’ve decided to start publishing more commodity and investment products…
Secrecy & Privacy for Offshore Investment
Whether you are from China or the USA there are TWO important questions in regards to how one deals with money and offshore investment: on the individual tax compliant level and at the institutional reporting level Whether it is the client himself or the foreign financial institution (FFI) they really have no idea about what…
Gold to Fiat to Gold
Monetary scholar Edwin Vieira has observed that every 30 to 40 years the reigning monetary system fails and has to be retooled. He also noted that the average life expectancy for a fiat currency is 27 years and historically seems to flip between currencies that are backed (by gold) and those that are backed by…
Gold Backed Coin Cryptocurrency
Gold Backed Coin (GBC) is the world’s first virtual currency fully backed by gold – and it could change the way we think about virtual money. A relatively short period of time ago, the term cryptocurrency did not mean anything to most people. But this has changed since a virtual something named Bitcoin has entered…