Category: Futures, Options and Commodities
Derivatives Conference attracts renowned economists, financial analysts and risk managers
Names like Paul Krugman, Kenneth Rogoff, John Hull, Philippe Jorion, and Emanuel Derman, among other important professionals from the areas of economics, finance and risk analysis, have confirmed their presence at the II International Derivatives and Financial Market Conference, which will be held between the 24th and 27th of August 2005 in Campos do Jordão,…
Commodity Funds Can Diversify Portfolio
NEW YORK — If you own both stock and bond funds, you probably consider yourself well-diversified. But research by Lipper Inc. suggests broad exposure to commodities like gold, oil and copper can go a long way toward rounding out a mutual fund portfolio, as long as you understand the risks. One of the reasons stocks…
Playing Commodities With ETFs
Famed investor Jim Rogers made a fortune by investing in commodities during the 1970s. Now, Rogers is back in commodities, and he’s giving individual investors advice in his new book, Hot Commodities (Random House, 2005). His thesis is that the world is in the midst of a bull market in commodities. He believes that the…
E&P’s ‘i’ on the future
With nearly 70% of current global oil production flowing from fields more than 30 years old – and peaking or in decline – oil companies are increasingly focused on information technology’s role in helping the upstream industry face the ‘challenges and opportunities’ of the coming decade. [box]STREAMLINING OPERATIONAL PROCESSES THROUGH information management systems – now…
Not Energized by Bush’s Energy Bill
“President Bush Wednesday will propose new steps to increase domestic energy production, including incentives that could result in construction of nuclear-power plants and building oil refineries on abandoned military bases,” USA Today reports. “Oil prices have been rising because increased demand in countries such as China and India has made it difficult to keep production…
Investment Biker
Jim Rogers is the author of Investment Biker (Random House 1994), Adventure Capitalist (Random House 2003) and Hot Commodities (Random House 2005). Born in 1942, Jim Rogers had his first job at age five, picking up bottles at baseball games. Winning a scholarship to Yale, Rogers was coxswain. Upon graduation, he attended Balliol College at…
Alternative investments may help portfolio
Investing doesn’t just have to be about stocks and bonds. There are many investments that may be a good fit for your portfolio. While some alternative investments can enhance a portfolio, they should probably be a modest percentage of your overall financial plan. Examples of alternative investments include real estate, managed futures, private equity, along…
Hot Commodity
LONDON – No one comes to this fascinating city for the food. But many, like San Diego-based Sempra Energy, come for the money that can be made here. While many back home associate Sempra with its San Diego Gas & Electric subsidiary, or perhaps with Southern California Gas Co., another wholly owned utility, commodity trading…
Commodity Strategists: Commodity Rally May Be Close to Peaking
The surge in commodity prices may be close to peaking, ending a four-year rally that included a range of raw materials from oil to copper to gold, said Daniel Chesler, an independent analyst who studies market patterns. The Goldman Sachs Commodity Index has failed to top the record it reached in October, gold is down…