Category: ETF, Hedge & Mutual Funds

  • New ETF offers China exposure for U.S. investors

    BOSTON, Dec 9 (Reuters) – An exchange-traded fund that holds shares in 38 U.S.-listed Chinese companies was launched on Thursday, the first China ETF to solely invest in Chinese companies that trade on U.S. stock exchanges. China exposure for U.S. PowerShares Capital Management, of Wheaton, Illinois, said its PowerShares China ETF is based on the…

  • Investor Independence via ETFs — Part 5

    There are probably twenty good reasons for chucking your mutual funds and replacing them with Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). Let me give you three: ETFs perform better, manage risk better and cost less. If you are an active trader, let me give you another: you trade them exactly like you do stocks. So overwhelming are…

  • Investor Independence via ETFs — Part 4

    In the previous article, I stated that some investors ought to consider an all-ETF portfolio rather than continuing to invest in mutual funds, where 80% of you are falling behind the market averages due to under-performing portfolio managers and the high fees they charge. Depending on your risk profile, I believe that large-cap, blue-chip equity…

  • Investor Independence via ETFs — Part 3

    A mere blip on the radar screen compared to the ubiquitous presence of mutual funds and hedge funds, I hold the view it will be just a matter of time before Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) gain the upper hand. Investors buy mutual funds for the simple reason they are sold, and rather than buying securities…

  • Investor Independence Via ETFs – Part 2

    You will see in the Trader Wizard pages that I strongly recommend Exchange Traded Funds (ETF). ETFs are investment funds designed to track a market index and whose units are traded on an exchange pretty much like shares of listed companies. I even believe that most investors, including professional and sophisticated investors, could be very…

  • The road to investor independence is paved with ETF’S – Part 1

    If you don’t have the time to watch your portfolio closely but also don’t want a financial advisor, you should consider Exchange Traded Funds (ETF). ETFs will allow you to enjoy the markets while fully invested in a conservative, low-cost, buy-and-hold portfolio. They are vastly preferable to investing in mutual funds. Whether you are a…