Category: Currency and Forex

  • Malaysian unit put on short leash

    Speculators thought the Malaysian currency was a tiger. It turned out to be a kitten. A month after Malaysia unleashed the ringgit from the United States dollar, it has yet to live up to expectations for a sharp rise against the greenback and fat profits for foreign speculators. Instead, it has made only a meek…

  • The power of the money changers

    Foreign exchange is where politics, economics and business are quantified every second of every day Toronto — It’s 6:15 a.m. on the first Friday of the month. In a few hours, U.S. non-farm payrolls will be released, the single most influential event in global currency markets each month. On Canada’s largest trading floor, George Davis,…

  • A hedge against forex exposure

    When Beijing announced the 2.1 per cent revaluation of the renminbi late on July 21, traders at Deutsche Bank in Singapore had to rejig their plans for the evening to set-up the hedge against forex exposure. “It was chaotic because everyone had already left the office,” says Mirza Baig, currency strategist at Deutsche. “Traders had…

  • Time to invest offshore?

    Cape Town – South African investors should put some of their savings in offshore markets in order to take advantage of the opportunities not available in South Africa, as well as for diversification and risk reasons, it emerged at Stanlib’s 2nd International Investment Conference in Cape Town on Monday. This was particularly true now, when…

  • China’s stealth war on the U.S.

    by Max Boot – Maj. Gen. Zhu Chenghu of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army caused quite a stir last week when he threatened to nuke “hundreds” of American cities if the U.S. dared to interfere with a Chinese attempt to conquer Taiwan. This saber-rattling comes while China is building a lot of sabers. Although its…

  • A question of offshore ins and outs

    Are some South African investors developing an inverse relationship with offshore markets? Could some of us be subject to a strange, contrarian compulsion to get into markets just as the smart money gets out? Or perhaps we ring the changes by coming onshore just as the smart money goes off? The questions are prompted by…

  • Capital Idea for China’s Wealth

    Americans so love the latest, inexpensive “Made in China” products – cars are coming soon – that Chinese firms are flush with export profits. One might think, however, that those companies could easily export that wealth as well, investing the money made in America back into US companies, as the Japanese and Europeans do. Not…

  • U.S. Dollar Gains May Not Be Permanent

    NEW YORK – It may be too soon to call the dollar’s recent rise a full-fledged turnaround. And there may be some in corporate America who are just fine with that. After being beaten and battered for the last few years, the greenback appears to be emerging from its funk by making significant gains in…

  • Foreign exchange trade in China surges

    April 2005 saw dynamic trade on the inter-bank foreign exchange market in China, with a robust month-on-month growth of 40 percent in average daily transaction volume, which reached US$1.282 billion. According to the Shanghai-based national forex swap center, turnover of the US dollar, the Japanese yen, the HK dollar and the euro, amounted to US$28.215…