The Art of War and the Laws of Economics

Berlin - Pergamonmuseum - Stierreliefs am Ishtar Tor - The Art of War
Berlin – Pergamonmuseum – Stierreliefs am Ishtar Tor

To garner extraordinary profit you must first of all wake up so that you can see the truth and understand both the art of war and the laws of economics. We will concern ourselves with opportunities for speculative profits based on government intervention into the free market. This is a study of human action by government personnel as it effects human action in the free market. WE will discuss opportunities for extraordinary speculative profits. But first, The art of war and the laws of economics.

It is up to you. You have a choice. You can take the blue pill and go back to sleep. Accept whatever the talking heads on major media tell you. Never inquire about the puppet masters or their agenda. Accept the democratic myth. Or, you can take the red pill.

Taking the red pill requires that you read on. Nothing is promised you except the truth, as one anonymous anarcho-capitalist cell explains it. We do not promise happiness or success in personal, political or financial affairs. You may become less happy. You may regret your decision. Not everyone can handle the truth. Not everyone wants freedom.

How you live is up to you. Slavery is dependent on the consent of the slave. Oppression, to succeed, requires the sanction of the oppressed. No regime, be it democratic, monarch, socialist, communist or fascist can long exist without the consent of the public, irrespective of how that consent is manufactured. If consent is withdrawn, the regime falls.

All empires start to fail when they stop expanding. Empires are profitable while expanding. The loot, new tax slaves and real estate provide a net profit. Administrative costs overwhelm when expansion stops. The feudal system broke down when it could not compete with the productivity of free labour.

It is the intent of the authors that reading this book will hasten the day when you, your family, your friends, your community, your country and the world will withdraw consent from those who would manipulate you for the aggrandizement of their power. Our intent is subversive. You have been forewarned. The foregoing was how we started this project.

Not far into the project, our group became more ambitious. Why not offer the opportunity to profit also. The truth is certainly a good foundation for any economic activity. Anyone Can Profit From the Truth

Will Rogers, the famous USA humorist of the 1920s and 30s, once told a reporter that it was easy to make money in the stock market. All you have to do is buy a stock; wait for it to go up and then sell it for a profit. The journalist asked: what if the stock does not go up? Will Rogers replied: that also is easy. In the event that the stock does not go up, do not buy it.

Can we know what will happen in the future? Is there a reliable system for predicting the future? Precisely as to time? Without it being discounted by the investing public? Is there a system that can reliably predict the financial future that will give an investor a significant advantage over others? What would that system look like? What would be its essential parts?

That which is known by everyone is not worth knowing in market timing because the market discount all known factors into today’s price. The key then is knowing what others do not know. Insider trading is one example.

The persons controlling corporations have insider information and can therefore trade their company’s stock at an advantage to the general public. In most jurisdictions this is a violation of criminal law. There are however groups to whom the prohibition against insider trading does not apply. One example is members of the USA Senate and House of Representatives. They are exempted from the prohibition against insider trading. They have information concerning what laws will be adopted and so who will benefit and who will be harmed by their action in passing laws and regulations that effect business enterprises. The public disclosures of how well their portfolio investments fare compared to the investment averages is spectacular. On average: when the market is down 10% for the year, they are up 10%. It pays to be the law giver. How much of the gain is based on better information vs. indirect payoff is impossible to decipher. There are many other examples.

Photo credit: Daniel Mennerich via Visualhunt / CC BY-NC-ND


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