Month: June 2015

  • The Art of Speculation during Civil War

    Sun Tzu Meets Jesse Livermore The people controlling corporations have insider information and can therefore trade their company’s stock at an advantage to the general public. In most jurisdictions this is a violation of criminal law. However, there are groups to whom the prohibition against insider trading does not apply, for instance, members of the…

  • Retirement Plans Can Be Imperiled When Long-Term Care Needs Arise

    Savings Are Depleted Quickly If Not Properly Protected There’s a tendency to give a silent cheer any time the average life expectancy grows a little longer. But long life also has its downsides. “Not everyone will spend all of their retirement years being active and doing all the fun things they planned,” says Mark Cardoza,…

  • Why Family Feuds Erupt After The Will Is Read

    Sibling Rivalries And Old Grudges Can Surface When Money Is On The Line, Family Wealth Guru Says The recently deceased don’t always ingratiate themselves with their survivors when it comes time to read the will. “People want to control things from the grave, not just throw a bunch of money in a beneficiary’s lap,” says…

  • Equity Estates Offers Smart Alternative for Savvy Travelers

    70+ Luxury Homes through One Exceptional Investment Equity Estates’ Luxury Residence Fund offers investors a smart alternative for dream vacations while also making a sound financial investment. This private fund allows for the opportunity to own a portfolio of exceptional residences without the troubles of ownership. The diversified global portfolio includes access to 70+ spectacular…

  • Tax Deferred Foreign Financial Account

    In any payroll these days for U.S. people or not there is some form of tax equalization built into it. You find tax equalization is quite common. Basically your payroll is assumed to be tax equalized one way or the other and that is an expensive way to deal with this problem. Instead you can…